Saturday, September 18, 2010

Super Warm Dye Days: Part 1

Wonder what the neighbors think?  The mailperson (she's a very nice woman) stepped around it.   It's not sun tea for sure.  It's still so hot here, I decided to try putting water, vinegar and about 1.75 ozs. of Romney roving into this jumbo jar.  Then I drizzled Violet, Cherry Red, and Salmon dyes into the jar.  ("Violet", "Salmon" and"Cherry Red"-Jacquard dyes).  The fiber went in dry so that it would absorb the dye unevenly. 

This is what it looked like about six last night.  I think I will use less water next time for more more uneven-ness. I haven't checked it this morning.
I loved knitting sock blanks that I dye.  After the blank is soaked in Dawn and water, I squeeze it out,  thread lace stretching wires through all four edges, then lay it out on plastic wrap.  I apply the dye with 60 cc. syringes, then carefully mop up excess moisture with paper towels.  Next I place a top layer of more plastic wrap on top, seal it up, fold it up and place on wrap in roaster oven that I have rigged up as a steamer.

Main color is Jacquard "Violet".  The sidebars are ProChem "Key Lime" and "Apricot".
I think this one is going to be great fun to knit.

Dye Day: Part 2 coming soon.  Lots of wacky rovings and a little silk, locks and Firestar to show you.

1 comment:

  1. Makes me want to play in the dye pot. Dyeing is so addictive.


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