Sunday, June 21, 2009

MY Young Hero-SAM

Sam, my nephew, is spending his second week in Newtown, Sierra Leone doing good work. He graduated from Harvard three weeks ago with an engineering degree, was an All Ivy Lacrosse and Academic All Ivy his last two years, was a captain and was voted MVP by his teammates.., and is just a great guy. He received a big grant on his graduation and he decided to spend it doing goodwill work in Africa. As I understand it he will be doing malaria prevention and handing out computers under the program "A computer for every child".
But look at his own words from his blog:
I don't have much time to write, and I really don't like reading long things on the internet, so here is a pretty unbelievable and novel experience in a foreign country condensed to a few bullets:
- Sweating constantly
- Little to no lights/power or running water (showers are out of a bucket)
- pretty much every price here is negotiable
- a de learn krio small small
- Went through some of the city slums, which are the worst living conditions I have ever seen (have pictures that I might try to put up, but connection is very bad)
- We leave for the provinces (rural villages) on Monday or Tuesday, and we'll be bringing 100 XO laptops ( + solar panels, 4,000 long lasting insecticide-treated mosquito nets, 1,000 paracheck blood tests (malaria tests we will administer)
- We've met with a lot of high level public health officials here, which has been interesting
Those are just some things that come to mind.

He plans to spend six months to a year, I think. Follow him. Here is his blog address:


  1. I admire people with this level of dedication. Good on him, safe travels.

  2. Thanks for posting this Auntie K! Sam is up to great things!


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