Friday, January 21, 2011

Launching New Spinning-with-Locks Kits

Ok, I love, love to spin art yarns with a scrumptious roving as a base and then dye up kid mohair locks, mulberry silk, Firestar and Angelina for sparkle, and then maybe grab some milk fiber just to top off the mixture.  Next I put a mix of this stuff in my lap and start spinning.
 This Aquarius art yarn came from a merino batt I bought from Stonehedge Farm in Charlevoix, Michigan, last summer.  I added gorgeous kid mohair locks in aqua and green from Lisa Shell at Kai Ranch mixed with Angelina, of course.
Here is one of my own BFL hand-dyed rovings mixed with locks from my dye studio and angelina to create Tide Pool Art Yarn.  Yummy, huh?

Sooo, I thought, maybe others might like to have kits of this stuff all preselected.  Yesterday I listed the Strawberry Gelato BFL Spinning-with-Locks kit in my shop.

And, here is a preview of the next roll out: uber soft Polwarth in Fall Colors2.  Hint: the olive green dye did all kids of crazy good stuff on the locks, silk, and Angelina.  Yum.


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