Friday, July 23, 2010

Mayberry, Michigan

 That 's what you might as well call this place.  You can ride your bike everywhere; to town, to the beach, to the woods, to dinner.  I love it.  The  "cottages" are to-die-for.  I am a new transplant to a condo from our family cottage of thirty-three years.

 I walk everywhere.  This is in Wequetonsing.
The kids learn sailing early and get out in the smaller boats on the left about the second day of camp.  What a thrill.

 This is my friend, Barbara's house.  It's actually new but built to look in keeping with the older "cottages".  She has a fabulous view of the lake from her porch and her bedroom up there with the round windows.
 The is the "cottage" we sold this spring.  See, no streets in front of houses in this association.  All cars are in the alley or parking lot.  I have only been down this block once this summer.  Still a little hard to go there, but I am loving life in the condo..

I found this cluster of "lady" bikes on the lawn outside my condo "cottage".  I like saying that better than saying, my "unit". Eweeee!
(photos #1 and #2 by Eliza).

Friday, July 2, 2010

Funky Handspuns

Wacky? Spontaneous? Distracted? Easily amused?   These are some things I have in common with these yarns I spun this month.  Above are three kinds of moss greens in merino left over from plying projects.  I plied them with some of the eternal (read huge) bump of corriedale/merino morrit-colored roving I bought at Kid N Ewe last November.  This stuff just won't go away.  I have dyed it as roving and now am spinning it uber finely  to use in these crazy  projects.

Below is the wackiest.

I took the huge bag of detritus left from the licker-in of my Fancy Kitty Carder and started just spinning it as it came from the bag.  I reached down and grabbed a fluff, so it is all kinds of thing;  merino, alpaca, silk noil bits, silk, BFL, random wools, and bits of sparkle from angelina and Firestar.  I have 3 big skeins of this stuff, or 396 yards of chunky, funky yarn.  I'm thinking funny hats this winter.
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